Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How I survive without God?

                                                 How I survive without God?

I used to think, why people love and support and admire the phenomenon of God? Slowly fiddling in my mind, I found the actual reason behind it, flexibility. Believe me, it is more difficult to take your ass to work, rather than sit in the corner temple/church and pray for the almighty lord to help you.

See what happens. I been an atheist, occasionally meet young people who believe in God (I do meet old people too, but it is seem problematic for me to even argue with them. They have lived with the fact that God exist for almost their whole life, and I find it unpleasant to separate them now!). What I consequent from these young educated crowds is the following. I would like to relate it in form of small dialogue.

SudhenduHi Russ, what is your say on God? Do you believe in it?

Russ- Yes I do, I admire him. I don’t visit temple so much, but I worship the lord in my mind. He is my savior and almighty friend.

Sudhendu- So you believe that there was a almighty God who is omniscient, omnipresent, who created the universe? Made all stuff in it, now keep track of what all of us do, what is our past, future. Listens and answer your prayers?

Russ- No man. That’s bullshit. We all know Big Bang, we all know Darwin’s theory of Evolution. I don’t believe in that God. We have studied science dear. What I believe God is, he is a kind of energy. Energy is something nobody can see. But it is always present. Same is with God. God is my supported. He is my imaginary friend at the time when it is quite difficult for me. When all my friends and fellow betray me, I go to him. I imagine him and that makes me feel ‘not alone’… and Blah Blah….!!

So this is what I conclude from this, people like Russ, are at their ease. They don’t give a fuck about the God. They just visit him as we all visit the saloon, only when your problem is getting big. These people don’t follow any rules put forward by religion, they are at their own when it comes to wardrobe, they follow no traditions, they will do bad (but won’t tolerate any), etc. In the dictionary, we call these people pantheist. Those who believe that God is energy.

My suggestions to these people are very simple. You guys are not a theist. You just consider your God as a supporter. And this is not wrong. We human are always in need of support. But now the truth. Watch my words. If you are in problem, you talk and ask for support from your imaginary friend (doesn’t really matters whether he is there or not). So for you, that’s the last resort. You never have been beneath that level. You have never ever imagined a way after that. But guess what, that’s not where the road ends. Just for a second, just for a second, if you give away the belief of God, and you are sad. Just then you will find somebody. Somebody who is more powerful than anybody, resilient that the God of yours. You will find ‘yourself’. And a real you, not somebody as imaginary as God is. Start taking responsibility of yourself. You are worth it. Give away the idea of some friend(you are shit alone, trust me!!). this is how I am, this is how I survive. And mark me, I love it!!

At last, just ask yourself, whom do you trust the most, God or yourself??