Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Recently I got into an argument with my friends (that’s the only reason we make friends I guess :-D). They think that my view of being atheist or agnostic or non-believer is mere my ignorance. They suppose that reading some books on atheism or watching some documentaries has made a ‘temporary’ impact on my thinking. They feel that I don’t understand a bit of this universe and anything within it (who does?). They believe that the cosmos can only and only be deduced with law governed by religion, science and myths.

I would like to clarify. Firstly, whenever I get into any argument (or conversation :-D), almost every time we end up discussing whether the mythology stories are true or not, did Rama existed or not, was there ever someone called as Jesus, who was Prophet Mohammed and many more question. Trust me; this is not what we intent to talk on. I have a simple claim, ‘God doesn’t Exists’, or probably a quest, ‘Does God Exists?’

Now some people relate the mythological stories with God, some of them related Ayurveda, some relate Kung-Fu, some related Mahabharatha. So every believer has a way of building his platform of thoughts to convince himself that ‘this is this, and so God exist’. But when we keep a clear opinion, we find that even tough (in the worst case scenario), if Mahabaratha, Ramayana, Words of Bible, Quran, and all the myths ever written are as truly precise and accurate as they are, it doesn’t get even close to prove that any supreme being ever existed.

Consider for example, Hindus claim that they have invented number systems, medicine system, astronomy, astrology, etc. long back (even before Aristotle, Pythagoras, Descartes, etc.). Fine agreed. But what does it prove? Man has been quite smart since at that time. They were precise and accurate even without any tools are equipment. Some people also claim that people of that time exhibit mystic power, or they might have owned a technology more advanced than us. Let me consider all this true (even though I doubt most of them). But does this prove God exist?

The definition of God follows – “The creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the Supreme Being. In certain other religions) A superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity”.

Our mythological literatures can give answer to the question ‘Why God exist?’, but not to ‘Does God exist?’. I believe every event ever happened in this universe is possible the best that can (that’s a gut feeling, nothing else). I believe, all good and bad, right and wrong, and almost anything that ever occurred is logical. We cannot point at particular thing and say, ‘this is bullshit’. So even the existence of religion (and they claiming the existence of God), is very well logical. But been logical, it doesn’t mean we don’t have authority to question it back.

I hear people saying, just as God is an idea or hypothesis created, so is Science. Religion and Science both are creation of man. Just as I follow Darwinism, they follow Rama-Charita. Just as I listen/read to Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, they listen to Surdas, Bible, Prophet, and Sage. But this is where the line is drawn. Science is based on fact. Religion is based on fate. And it is very necessary to realize this important difference. You may ask, how good science is, it hasn’t even yet given us all the answer to the beautiful questions we have in our mind. Where do we come from? Why are we here? What are we supposed to do? Where are we going? But friends, science never claims anywhere to find the answer to these questions. Science is like a baby. It is evolving and growing with time. It is more important to notice that science is a self-correcting authority. If someone discovered that the universe is finite, or that the earth is flat, and after some generation we found it out to be inconsistent with the observable and measurable fact, what did science did? It corrected itself. It is never ashamed of its failure. Rather it is doing a very unambiguous duty. Religion on the other hand, wants itself to be untouched. Religion claims it knows everything, even though it hardly knows anything.

I just want to convey that it is very (in fact very) difficult to prove the existence of God. The existence of God should not be an axiom consider by religious people, rather a quest whose answer would lead us to greatest horizon of human knowledge and privileges.