Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Limitation of God

Profoundly many. I am not sure of any square km on this planet where you can point out and say, hey look, the God has done things correctly here.

The reason I am an agonistic-atheist is one simple fact. The existence of sorrow. I know it may sound as a lame argument, but given a suitable thoughts, this ought to be the greatest attack against the imaginary friend.

As a child I used to ask my parent, why some people are happy and rich and smart and good looking, while the other completely ugly, sluggish, and bad. Why do some people keep their doors open for happiness while some others struggle to push away the pain? My parents use to tell me, this all is Karma. The fruit of previous life. They said, these people have done something wrong, very wrong in their previous life, and hence they are suffering in this life. So that they would again get a fresh chance in next life, and then at that time, they would probably do well. Initially, I subscribed to this illogical answer. For at that time, the words of elder where the only source of truth to me.

But now I realized, it’s a stupid concept. Firstly nobody ever has proved that ‘multiple’ life do exists. You could have seen it on Aaj Tak, but that was just a TRP. In religion too, this concept of multiple life differ for door to door. In Hinduism, we have seven life, whereas in Christianity, only one. That’s the reason most western country’s people have multiple marriages in one life span. While for Hindus, we have seven lives to enjoy the heaven of feminine.

You might be aware that good and bad are subjective and not an objective concept. That is, something  good for you, may be bad for me and vice-verse. And we have no way to decide the most good and the most bad. So does God have objective explanation of good and bad? Or does he decide based on his mere fantasy.

People generally say that happiness and sorrow are the two sides of same coin. They  say, suffering is mandatory and inevitable. Then comes the next big question, who decide who suffers?

What kind of God created a world like this? There is more suffering and struggle than joy and happiness.  I hear 70 girls’ been raped daily, 100’s of elderly brutally killed by youngster. I see a mother cheeks swollen red by the slap she gets from her own son. I see father raping his daughter with the same penis which was crucial to give birth to her, I see Osama Bin Laden living for 60 years, whereas a 16 year old girl getting into coma for the bullet she received just for starting a female literacy camp in Pakistan. I see murderers enjoying free air, and millions of kids in African desert dying daily for single drop of water. I see corrupt politician earning billions of dollars in their life time, and then I see innocent farmer ending their beautiful life just for 600/- Rs they cant pay. What a irony. 

Is this how an intelligence god creates the world? Is this the best design he can ever do? *^%$$^&#.  Did the almighty god who created the vastness of universe, who created billions and billions of galaxies in which there are trillions of stars and planets, can make such a stupid design mistake? If he was a sole maker of this world, why didn't he crafted a more thoughtful world? Why didn't he formed a world where there is no sorrow and only happiness. You may find this as stupid idea, but for a designer, who has made the world from bits and scratches, he could have well planned it nicely. He should have made the law of universe in such a way, so as to make everyone happy and to have everyone satisfied. He seems to me as an unskilled designer after all. And if he did this kind of mistake in design purposely, what kind of God he is. 
Think about it… 


  1. That's right!!
    For mistakes of humans blame God!
    God is a philosophical entity that abides purity, energy and peace to us. Its the morale that has gone ugly that such cases happen.

    The universe is running its own course!
    If God would have designed the universe at his freewill I wonder if he would have created humans in the first place!!
    Look at the state of the planet! Animals are getting poached and killed and still we are not the animals on the planet!! :(

  2. Thanks for reading.
    This blog is for a kind of God theist beliv in. The phisical God. Who has created the universe and the world and the people.
    For you, you belong the range of pantheist. People who don't believe in the holy text literally, but take God as a positive energy. This is coool :).

    And yea, humans actually suck ;). I agree to u

  3. Hmmm ... I feel what all you have written points in all direction towards MONEY!!
    Try it ... just replace places where you mentioned with money (sometimes it may loose context) but really it makes sense!! Especially the cruel parts you wrote ... And then I wonder God whose existence is not present you disgust, but the physically present entity is never crused!!!??

  4. Yeaa. The physical entity is more to curse than God. But I wonder if the physical entity and the concept of god is loosely coupled.
    One is the mother of other. An idea turned into reality.
