Friday, May 17, 2013

Occam Razor. The simple, The Better.

"Everything Should Be Made as Simple as Possible, But Not Simpler" 
--- Albert Einstein.

Ever heard this quote anywhere? What does it means? It's been long I have written a stuff. This is a second start!

Let’s take an example. A situation is given. People are asked to analyse it, and publish their results. There are three people doing it, Aman, Babli, Chiku. The illustration is below.

Situation -- 

A cat is chasing a mouse. After a 50 meter run, the cat is successful to claw up that little mouse and starts eating it. 
What just happened?

Aman --  I think maybe yesterday or the day before yesterday, the mouse was roaming around, and saw a fat old cat. She maybe was in a mood for the gag, and hence, went up to the cat, started biting her skin and running away as soon as the cat reacted. This went on for an hour or so, the cat skin was so much chewed, it started concentrating germs, bacteria and was now septic. The poor cat, after 6 hours of agony, succumbed to her injuries. The cat was having a younger sister cat. When she saw this, she was furious and hence was in search of the mouse. Sighted her today, she was chasing the cat to take revenge. I think this is what is happening. Thank You!

Next was the turn of Babli. Lets see what she has one her plate.

Babli --  I think that the cat is hungry and hence he is chasing the mouse in order to eat it.

Now it is the turn of Chiku.

Chiku -- I think, nobody was in fact chasing nobody. The cat us still in its position, the mouse was still in its position. Their legs just performed simple oscillation. It was the earth that was moving in the opposite direction. Slowly, the distance between them starting decreasing. This was because, the space-time between them was getting dissolved into a micro black hole. This black hole was curving the space and time. Hence at the end, we see two of them met. Once in contact, the mouse was suddenly pulled into the cat mouse, in order to be saved from all the black hole effects.


Now which is the most appropriate of all the answers?
The easiest way to come up is to know Occam's razor.

" It states that among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected."

Moving on, we now know which one of the above three hypotheses we should consider.

The one given by Aman is not logically impossible, but doesn't happen in daily life. There has been no scientist discoveries suggesting that cats do remember enemies (they do remember the house that feed them unlike the dog, which remembers the individual who feed him) or take revenge.  So the probability of this happening is although sparingly very less, this may be the case. But just because it is not what we observe on a daily basis, and in order to mark this hypothesis as correct, we land up creating more questions like how does cat remember, what are the associative, why did the mouse acted this way, etc. etc. We can ignore this answer.

The other answer by Chiku is again making lots of complexity and assumptions. Although micro black hole is possible, physicist claims that it is harmful and it is getting created in the LHC every second.  Again space-time warp is easily said than done. Also Chiku claims that nobody is walking and running, the planet is moving in the opposite direction. This is again possible but not probable. The observer should have also felt the same effect as the object of experiment(in this case, the cat and mouse) did. This hypothesis is again a very cumbersome one and requires more assumptions and new explanations. 

The answer given by Babli is considerably small, logical and observational. Cats, like humans, do get hungry. It is evident from the animal history that the prey run and the predator chases. This answer requires very less assumptions and new theory. Hence we can mark this as good to go.

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