Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thought experiments! Each for 60 seconds.

One of the most exciting stuff about science are the thought experiments. Sit on your armchair, smoke a cigar, stretch your legs, put your neurons in motion. And the fun starts.

Thought experiments are in the domain of science as well as philosophy. The most famous of them are from Galileo, Albert Einstein, Richard Dawkins, Schrodinger, etc. 

Open University has done a very good compilation of six best and famous thought experiment.  Each video is not more than 60 seconds, but it is a quick refresher if you want to put your mind on it.

A big thanks to Open University for this one!!

1. Achilles and the Tortoise

2. The Grandfather Paradox

3. The Chinese Room

4. Hilbert's Infinite Hotel

5. The Twin Paradox

6. Schrödinger's Cat

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