Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The terrible human journey

Reading  Genomes- The Autobiography of Species in 23 Chapters by Matt Ridley gives a clear insight into the depth of evolutionary biology.

The story told by our genes are one the best you can hear. It has been carried a long journey forward, with the past delicately inscribed on it.

For evolution to happen, we would need more than just natural selection. Here are five point listed which are important when it comes to evolution to function.

1. Population can shrink.
2. Constant mating to mix the genes.
3. Mutation- Changes should happen. It is necessary.
4. Gene flow- Movement of genes(in this case, the carrier) from one geographical location to another.

This video from TED Education gives a better description.

In his book Ridley states a very interesting fact about the history of our species on the planet. 

15 millions year ago, we as ape were almost struggling to survive with a better designed monkey.

45 millions year ago, we as primates were finding it difficult to co-exist with rodents.

200 millions year in past, we as tetra-pods were again almost extinct in comparison with highly evolved dinosaurs.

360 millions year ago, we as limbed fishes were again in competition with ray-finned fishes.

500 millions year in part, we as chordates survived the Cambrian era having competition with a better designed arthropods.

We are not special. We don't live a privileged frame of reference. We are not the center of the universe. We are just a species on the fragile little particle of dust in the vastness of the oceans. We are lost, never to be found again.

Here is the link to the book.

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